What's this?

While there are transformative, creative ways to use any tool, many of the hyped up applications of generative "AI" tools we're seeing today are just not that.

Corporations and people who act like them are excited to replace human creativity and standardize the quality and tone of media - while claiming to be doing things like "democratizing art" or "improving productivity."

My fellow creatives are sick of it. This benefits no one, devalues human creativity, reduces diversity of style and topics - and discourages people who see themselves as "not good" at art from participating.

Art isn't supposed to be easy or feel a certain way.

Whatever you can make is good enough and more valuable than anything the computer came up with. Trying your best without taking shortcuts will always teach you something and develop your style.

Also, have you noticed it's harder to find useful information by searching the web nowadays?

The dilution of helpful human knowledge shared in good faith on the open web into a polluted ocean of poorly written, un-useful sludge designed to look just good enough to rank highly in search engines and get your clicks started long before the proliferation of modern generative "AI" - but this new wave of shit has only made it worse.

Do you feel the same?

Download these images to use as stickers and to share around - or make your own with the editable files at the end of the page.

Let people know where you found them when it's convenient, but don't worry about that too much.
My opinions do not reflect those of my employer.

Care enough to make stuff yourself, or don't bother. Value your human creativity and vision. Fuck off with this AI shit.
If you couldn't be bothered to write it, I won't read it. Write for humans, not web crawlers. Fuck off with this AI shit.
I want to see your ugly art, not a computer's version of your ideas. Your worst drawing is a more genuine manifestation of your imagination than DALL-E's best. Fuck off with this AI shit.
If the computer made it 'more professional' and less concise, it's not worth my time. Write for humans, not the tone police. Fuck off with this AI shit.

Want to make your own?

Good news! You can make anything.

CC-BY-NC-SA | Don't use this to make anything overly hateful or offensive towards marginalized groups. Share with attribution when possible - let people know where you found this when it's convenient.